Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Malaysia Week

I just got back from Malaysia Week.( That is when the whole middle school goes out of the school for one week and do activities in the rain forest and on the beach.) I went to a place called Kuala Ghanda. There we went into the forest and camped for one night. At that camp we learned basic survival. The next day we got on a bus and then later we got on a truck to tack us threw the jungle into the next camp. Our truck got stuck so we had to walk 15min to get there. We had to wait until everything arrived then we pitch up our tents and went on a walk when we got back we had dinner and went to bed. The next day we packed up and walked for half and hour and waited for our trucks to arrive. When they did we went to a place and had lunch. We moved to another camping site and stayed there for the night. The next morning we did not need to pack up because we were going to stay there one more night, that day we went to the Elephant Sanctuary. We did some community service by cleaning elephant dung. WE had lunch and swam with the elephants. While swimming with them when I was getting out I chipped my toe on a rock and some of my toe nail and skin fell off. The next day we went to the deer land park and then went home.

PS: I would like to show pictures but I don't have any.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Life In KL

I am a student in The International School OF Kuala Lumpur(ISKL). In KL there is a wide range of cultures from English to Malaysian. This is a great country we have a wide variety of good food and excellent shops and fun Theme Park. I love living here.  I love living here because there is so much to do here.
HI! I am Conor Cheng I love sport and computer games. My most favorite computer game is World Of Warcraft (WOW) even though I am not that good but I still find it fun. My favorite sport is Rugby because I am good at it (but not the best). On the weekend I usually do all my work on Friday, Relax and go on the computer and Sunday at 3:00 to 5:00 I go to Rugby. My favorite food is my dads pork Ribs. I also have a really Cute cat that I play with every day but he sometimes bites (but it does not hurt). It is called Bageerah